You Have To Know Who You Are To Know Where You Are Going!
In this assessment your readiness to have a successful job interview for your dream nursing career job will be assessed. At the completion of the assessment, feedback will be provided to help you regardless of your readiness level.
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful career building tools for nurses, but just how ready is your LinkedIn profile to help you secure the nursing career of your dreams? What does your LinkedIn profile say about you? At the completion of this assessment, feedback will be provided to help you take your LinkedIn profile to the next level.
Are you a current nurse leader? Do you have a desire to be a nurse leader? Regardless of your answers to these questions, you must know what type of leader you are and what areas of opportunities exist as a nurse leader to help you successfully and impactfully lead nurses. At the completion of this assessment, feedback will be provided on you current leadership style and areas of opportunities that exist.