Nicole is an excellent speaker, educator, and mentor. She will get you on the path of finding your purpose and building your nursing business. She does not sugar coat anything. If you come to her, you better be prepared to get the whole truth!
- Fameisha (Fam) Williams, APRN/Founder Level Up Nursing
Nicole is phenomenal. She does not cut any corners and she gives it to you raw. She is very professional and passionate about helping you achieve your goals. —- Carla Hudson Founder of Commitment To You
Working with Nicole has allowed me to lean into my power and to sharpen my focus on long term goals. With her help, I acknowledged an important business milestone and was able to navigate the difficult world of business. - Bianca Lacey @biancalaceyreagan
Dr. Thomas, your leadership has taken me to greater heights. Your positivity and demeanor follow as you enter any room and saturates the atmosphere. - Vikki Lee Spurlock/ Owner Rosebud Healthcare